

The IV Region of Coquimbo is distinguished by having a semi-arid climate. It is common to note the low amount of rainfall throughout the year and even more, the high temperatures that drive to daily insolation.

Some tips to make your stay in this region ideal

  • Hydration is the key: It is very important to drink water, without necessarily being thirsty. With this we will avoid dehydration and compensate for the loss of fluids caused by sweating.
  • Physical activity: While it is healthy for our body to exercise, we recommend not doing it outdoors in the hottest hours.
  • Types of foods: Light foods such as fruits, vegetables help supplement the loss of salts that causes sweat. This is why we recommend eating healthy.
  • Comfortable clothes: It is important to be comfortable. In the IV Region there are areas of difficult access and adventure, so a good tourist must know how to deal with it in the best way.
  • A lot of sunscreen: Remember that if you do not use a protector, the consequences are sunburns, sunstroke, eye diseases and alterations of the immune system or premature skin aging. The increase in skin cancer (carcinoma and malignant melanoma) in recent years is a clear indication of the dangers of these radiations when precautions are not taken.